State Cause Solution
All LEDs are switched off after connecting power line Power input line is not active Check power line voltage connected to the converter of BVA.
Buttons on user’s app are not working as expected Facility is not updated Check at Nayar Systems’ Net4Machines Smart Control App whether any element is shown as “Pending configuration”. In that case, approach the Smartphone to the device to configure and repeat the first step described in Lift car configuration and/or Lift stop configuration.
Physical wiring of relays does not correspond to configuration on Nayar Systems Net4Machines Smart Control App. Verify that the relays used for wiring are the same as configured on the Nayar Systems Net4Machines Smart Control App.
The wiring of relay connections is incorrect Check the relay wiring. It is possible to look up a connection guide on the Net4Machines Smart Control App.
A device from an upper or lower floor is detected with a higher intensity Devices are not placed at half of the height of the floor Review that the involved devices are placed at half of the height of their corresponding floor.
Updating takes too much time Communication between App and the device is not appropriate Come back to Facilities on the App menu and then, search again the installation to configure.
Close and open again Net4Machines Smart Control App.