Integrating PLC controls and automation into the ShopFloor solution

NAVEKSA offers various kinds of automation connected to the manufacturing execution of a production order.

Basiccally the controls will be based on:

  • Sending selected production order / order routing data and process information to a PLC from our ShopFloor solution,
  • Collecting selected data from a PLC which updates the production order status / order routing data in our ShopFloor solution.

The wishes are many and different. Therefore no standard automation solutions are available.

All wishes requires a thorough analysis and proposal preparation can be seen in the thoughtful example below:

  1. A customer wants to pick production order components from different physical locations,
  2. As components are picked they are put on pallets, and pallets are placed on conveyor lines..
  3. As pallets moves forward on the conveyor, different PLC communication controls further picking activities, and finally direct pallets to specific assembly lines.

Please contact us to discuss your opportunities.


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