Item Planning fields and calculations – Header

ItemPlanning – Item gives a precise time-phased overview of the projected item inventory availability situation. In other words to tell “When can we deliver and how many”

When the unexpected happens (e.g. a purchase order being delayed) it also offers the opportunity to simulate the impact of deviations to the planned.

ItemPlanning can be setup as a simple or complex solution depending on the requirements the company requires using it.

ItemPlanning – Item is also the solution to use when data are NOT all 100% accurate. Because of the intuitive display, the planner is able to see any inaccuracies right away.

The ItemPlanning solution produces a true time-phased projected item inventory availability using various precise calculation methods at your choice and needs:

The header contains the

  • Item Number,
  • Item description,
  • Item description 2 and
  • Show Planning worksheet data
    Show planning worksheet data is pre-filled with the setup parameter. You can set and remove this tickmark to see data with or without planning sheet data involved.
  • You can delimit you inquiry to see one or more locations using the standard BC apply filter function.
  • Your initial location inquiry is determined in the ItemPlanning setup.


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