NAVEKSA ItemPlanning – BOM

Projected Item BOM – Bill of Material Inventory Availability

The ITEMPLANNINGBOM application makes it possible, from one screen, to get an accurate picture of the projected available inventory situation of all components in a single or multi-level BOM – Bill of material.

*To make a decision on assembly order component shortage, you select an assembly item from the list or from a Itemplanning Item line

You will now see:

  • How many items you have in stock
  • How many you have on order.
  • How many items you can build right now.
  • See component shortages and earliest delivery dates for the same components at the required date.
  • Earliest date for delivery for the quantity in question regarding components.
  • Earliest date for delivery for the quantity in question regarding capacity load.
  • See various additional information using the tooltip menu.
  • You have the option to “Limit totals to” using the standard BC function. Normally this will be used to limit totals (show data) to one or more specific locations.


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