How it works – Overview

How to use ItemPlanning – Critical Items
The ItemPlanning – Critical Items function has been made with the purpose of an easy way to validate
any actual or expected future item shortages and pin-point the Items to be evaluated.

How it works:

In principle the function runs the ItemPlanning – Item calculations for each item. Items can be filtered when requesting the calculation.

First you can choose whether you want calculations to include Planning Worksheet data (just like ItemPlanning Item).

Then you must specify a date horizon for the calculation. This date is considered as the ending date for the calculation, that is any later transactions are not taken into consideration.
You will get warnings for items with supply problems before this date. Any problems on later dates are ignored.
NAVEKSA recommend that you set this data horizon to reflect your normal planning horizon.

Finally you must specify what Item/stock parameter the calculation shall use when deciding if there is a supply problem on an Item.

  • ‘Neg. stock’ means that any Items that goes below 0 sometime within the time horizon will be selected.
  • ‘Reorder Point’ means that any Items that goes below the Items Reorder Point sometime within the time horizon will be selected.
  • ‘Safety Stock’ means that any Items that goes below the Items Safety Stock sometime within the time horizon will be selected.

As the calculation process may take some time dependent of the actual quantity of data, you will be presented the following notice:

Each item, that is found to have expected stock below value of the selected parameter within the selected time horizon (filtered by the “Calculate until” parameter) will be shown on a list, where you can work with more details, item by item.

The list shows you some basic data from the item card and the calculated values of

  • Starting inventory
  • Calculated Inventory at End Date (Ending Inventory)
  • Calculated Inventory – Lowest (within the period)
  • Calculated Inventory – Highest (within the period)

These values can help you select the most critical items to handle first and can be interpreted as follows:

A negative starting inventory indicates of course, that you have some data update problems in your system.

A negative ending inventory indicates, that during the period your outgoing orders and transactions requires a higher quantity of the item than you have in stock added incoming orders and transactions.

A non-negative ending inventory will always appear together with a negative value of Lowest inventory.
This means that you have a problem within the period which technically is solved at the end of the period. Typically you will have some timing problem. Incoming orders are late when compared to outgoing orders, and therefore not available at the right point in time.

Highest inventory is just for information purposes. This value has no influence when considering if an item is critical in respect to ItemPlanning.
To move on, you can select items one at a time and then select Manage, Edit/View to open the ItemPlanning – Item function which will then shows you all details about why the system expects a shortage situation for this Item.


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