
In EPC 13.0, users have the shapes used within their Visio files automatically match and can map them with BPMN 2.0 flow objects (auto-map still supported). Once a mapping template is defined, it can be reused across many Visio files to save time/effort of migrating processes.

Moreover, the exact layout of your Visio Swimlane and Flowchart shape locations will be preserved after import and an option to ignore any non-necessary shapes was also added

How it works

To use this feature, users can go to the three-dots situated in to right corner of EPC and click on import or export.

A form will open to choose the format of the document being uploaded.

Once the Visio Document is chosen, users can select where the process will be located, in which organization unit the roles will be created and match the shapes of Visio. Click on Finish when done.

After clicking on the Next button, a window opens allowing the user to select which BPMN shapes are equivalent to the ones in Visio.

in the same window, users have the option to create a template, if a template name is added after selecting the matching shapes, the next time the user imports a process from a Visio file, it will remember which Visio shape is the equivalent Visio shape in the BPMN flow object that the user matched.

Then the process is imported and users can find the imported process in the selected parent on the tree.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

Thanks for your feedback.