
EPC now gives modelers the option to create, edit, copy, move and delete objects directly from the right click within the tree of all modules. This substantially improves the usability to create and edit objects within the tool.


When modelers click on set in the tree, modelers can create new objects inside of the set, edit, copy and delete the Set

When modelers click on any object inside of the set in the tree, that is part of the three, modelers can create objects inside of them, edit , move, copy and delete

List of object in the different module inside of sets in the tree:

  • Process
  • Document Folder
  • KPI
  • KRI
  • KCI
  • Org Unit
  • Risk Folder
  • Control Folder
  • Rule Folder
  • Master Data Folder
  • Capability
  • Glossary Folder

How it works

The user selects and object on the tree and then right clicks to see the options.

Right clicking on a set

Right clicking on an object inside of a set

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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