
In the EPC offline mobile app, users can see all their saved object inside their selected module and in homepage.


When the device is online on a network allowing sync, all offline content will be auto-updated with latest version.

If an object was available offline but during the offline period someone removed the “read” permission on the object for the user, then when the user goes online the content is removed from the saved offline objects.

How it works

To save an object offline, users navigate to the three-lines icon on the top left of the page and select a module.

Then select the object they wish to see. Use the arrows in the top right side to go to LIST page of the object.

There, users can navigate between GRAPH, DETAILS and LIST page. To go back to the tree of the module, use the arrows in the right side of the screen.

In DETAILS page, users can save locally the object to access it offline. Click in the phone icon on the right side. once the object has been saved locally a confirmation message appears in green with the words Saved Locally

To set the app offline, users can go to their profile by clicking on the three-dots icon on the top right of the page.

Once in the profile page, scroll down to the end of the page. there, users can select go offline

EPC will stop using data or wi-fi and show all the objects inside of then that have been save locally. To go to the object, users can click on the name of the object and they will be redirected to the DETAILS page of their object offline.

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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