In the new Capability module, users can create new attributes categories, types and just attribute for its capabilities. This allows user to customize the attribute of its capabilities to adapt them to the needs of its business and provide better understanding and information about a capability.
How it works
To use this feature, users go to the three-dots icon on the top right of the page, select System Admin, Click on tab Attributes. In that page, users can find the option to add Object types, Categories and Attributes.
To create new Object types Click on + Add New Type on top right of the Object Types section.
Then a form opens, where the user can add the Name, description and to which object it will apply.
To create new categories, scroll down to the Categories section and click on + Add New Category on top right of that section.
Then a form will open to add a new category.
Finally to create an Attribute assigned to a Capability, scroll down to the Attributes section and click on + Add New Attribute.
Then a form will open where users can add all the information related to this new attribute in capability.
After these new categories, types and attributes have been created, users can select them in edit or add capability form on tab PROPERTIES.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.