
Now in EPC, the new Attlassian Jira is a bridge between BAs, Dev, QA and UAT

In EPC, we have identified a problem in the collaboration between business and development can be challenging, the EPC data sync manager breaks down that communication gap. Development and QA (jira users) lack visibility into the end-to-end process (epic) and understanding which requirements are associated with which task (story) depending on the path (scenario). As requirements / stories evolve during the development process business does have the transparency into the delivered product vs. the requested original requirement.

We have created a solution to this issue, as business analysts map out the workflows, rules, roles and requirements, the EPC automatically creates and syncs the EPICs and related Stories within Jira. The story details include the full rich text formatting (tables, bullets, fonts) and associated images (screenshots & diagrams). As changes are made within either application, the other application is automatically updated with the most recent updates ensuring consistency on both ends. A URL and Jira Issue # is also automatically added so users can open the associated map or jira issue directly from the other application with ease.

  • The creation of a process or tasks in EPC creates a corresponding epic or stories in Jira
  • The creation of a story in Jira creates a corresponding document of type URL linked to Jira in EPC
  • An update of an epic or story in Jira updates corresponding EPC objects
  • An update of process or task in EPC updates corresponding epic or story in Jira

How it works

To use this feature, if users want to have a process in Jira, they will need to go and create a process by adding the name and description.

Then add the Jira tag in the categories.

On the save, this will automatically create and Epic in Jira. Each process associated to Jira will create an epic and each task will be created as a User story if associated by the tag.

Everytime, users create a process this is automatically creates an epic story in Jira and each shape that is part of the process is a story. Then if users add any shape to the process, the new task in Jira appears as new User story under the Process Epic.

In Jira and in EPC, users have a link to access directly the object in EPC or the EPIC in Jira.

Depending on what version of Jira you are using some of the formatting or images in the rich text can be not supported “

If we update the task in Jira. Adding some requirements for example and save. And we go back to EPC, we will find the updated information in the task.

When creating a Story in Jira and when tagging the Item by EPC. Users will find an object created in the document folder. The object will have the Jira link associated as an URL

This is how both systems are able to communicate and ensure the synchronization between business and the development

Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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