What’s new in the Parser

Importing Analysis elements for Process, Sub-Process and Flow Objects
The Parser can now upload import the relevant attributes contained in the Process Analysis Workbooks for Processes, Sub-Process and Flow Objects, such as Start, Intermediate and End Events, Tasks and Gateways.

Importing Performance Measurement data for KPI’s, KRI’s and KCI’s
The Parser can now upload import the appropriate Performance Measurement Values, Dates and comments for Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), Key Risk Indicators (KRI’s) and Key Control Indicators (KCI’s)

Enhanced Tagging Functionality
The Parser now has additional functionality to enhance the way items can be tagged during parsing. These enhancements include:

  • Use / Ignore Margins
  • Auto Tag Description
  • Save Objects for auto-tagging
  • Ability to remove text parsed and tagged, which should not be included, e.g. removing table of contents from being exported to EPC

Extended Assignment Relationships
Parser now allows assignment of all object relationships supported by EPC, e.g. RASCI to Document, Rule to Rule, Risk to Control etc.

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