Process tree Selector
Fixed an issue where a delete chosen after selecting an item in the Process tree didn’t work.

*Process Graph / Map *
Fixed an issue where a user was unable to update the ‘Details’ of a Sub Process from parent Process map.

Details Edit form
Fixed an issue where a mandatory “Rich Text” type attribute title & field is not highlighted in red as other empty mandatory attributes are when closing the Edit form.

Add Document form
Fixed an issue where Attributes marked as Mandatory for the Attributes in the Properties of files only triggered when new files (e.g., doc) was created. For existing files when new Mandatory attributes were added, if you keep the Mandatory Attributes empty, you can still save and close the file. However, if you fill in any of blank mandatory Attributes, the other mandatory Attributes are highlighted in red, and an error message appears when you click “save & close”.

Untranslated Rich Text type Attributes
Fixed an issue where untranslated rich text must contains indicator of original language (e.g., [en]).

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