“Load All” button in Documents Module
To make the application more efficient and manage to expand the sub-folders almost instantly, the tree will show the “Load All” button if a set or folder has more than 9 sub-folders, allowing to gradually load all its child folders.​ This functionality considerably reduces the calculation time which increases the performance of the tree. To have more information on this feature, please click here.

Attribute Value Place Holders Changed To Expected Format
The place holder of attribute type values in the “What are the attributes” section of any form now reflect the expected format that users should fill in to properly save their changes.

Versioning and Impact sections added to Glossary Set and Folder Detail Expand (+)
The versioning and impact sections were added to the details page when expanding a Glossary set or folder.

Newly Created Object Highlighted in Tree Selector
Objects created from the tree selector are now highlighted, letting users know where the new object is located in the list.

Process Creation “Flow Objects” Tab Optimization

  • You can now add gateways, which will allow users to build and visualize processes with added complexity from the form.
  • Objects added in the “flow objects” tab of the process creation form now retract to make the UI simpler and clearer.
  • The flow objects tab is now divided, where flow objects are displayed on the left and the map on the right, allowing users to always see the map being built.

SubType and Category Filters Added to Search
SubType and category filters have been added to the search function allowing organizations using with these attributes to quickly find objects

Possibility to Preview or Download Documents from the Details Expand (+)
Preview and download icons have been added to the details expand in the Documents module allowing users to perform these actions without the need to access the child document’s Details page.

Filter Columns Enhancement for all Modules
The filter columns in the List page of all EPC modules now include all possible values within the drop-down in addition to the empty/not empty option (exception for the subtype column).

Mass Document/Folder Upload
The Uploading Folder or Uploading Documents pop-up does not open before the user has selected the upload button.

Right-Click Actions – Documents Module
With read permission, right-click functionalities do not appear in the UI except for the download function.

Right-Click Actions – Create Records in Published view
The option to create records is now available in the right-click menu when users are in the published view to create records without needing to go to the Details page.

New Label for Create Records Feature
The label of the create records action changed from Create Record(s) to Create Records.

Republishing Version
When republishing an object that was unpublished, the default version setting is now Keep Previously Published Version Number.

Search Indexing

  • It is now possible to pause and resume the search indexing of items, for example if a re-configuration of resources is needed as the indexing is running.
  • The “Rebuild” button allows to reindex out-of-date objects without deleting the index of existing objects.

Hierarchy Filter in Tree
The default hierarchical filter is now set to “Current Level” when a user selects a set or folder in the tree.

List Page Column Filters Clear when Navigating
Filters defined in columns on the List page now clear when users navigate through the tree.

Copy and Record Creation Limit
The limit for copying objects and creating records is set to 500 objects to improve performance. For example, users cannot create a record of a folder that contains more than 500 documents.

Draft or Published Status in EPC Links
A user that accesses a shared object will be redirected to the “Published Only” view when the object is already published, even if they were in “Show Latest” view before accessing the object.

Automatic Language Toggle when Sharing an EPC Link
The preferred interface and content language are kept when sharing an EPC link. For example, if users share an object while their profile is set to french interface and content language, the user that accesses that link will be automatically toggled to french.

Optimized Tree Performance
The performance of hierarchical trees have been improved to allow users with sets that contain a lot of data to be able to see the tree when they first load it and start the navigation right away.

Search Filtering Optimization
The search and matching of the filtering has been optimized.

Performance Improvement
The performance and speed of the web application has been improved upon inspection and rectification of certain calls.

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