The following major new features have been introduced in this EPC 13.1 release:

Document Management Enhancements | Mass Folder Upload for Documents, Mass Document Download as a Zip Folder with Structure and Document Type Icons.

Swimlanes map added to quickly create a new process | A Swimlanes map has been added to the New Process form.

Custom user defined attributes (UDAs) per environment | Environment Admins can now separate their environment attributes from system attributes.

Additional audit trail document in PDF format | Audit Trails can now be downloaded in a PDF format.

Synchronization of changes from global to local | This feature lets editors easily apply changes from a “Source” flow object to the equivalent “Local” flow object at once.

Integration to trigger training requests directly in Interfacing training app | Users can view their training information in EPC, when assigned to them in the Training app (DBP).

Visibility of approval and endorsement cycles tracking through version history | Users can now track an object’s approval and endorsement cycle in the Version History section.

Ability to generate books for all objects | The feature of book generation is now extended to set and folder level in all EPC modules, in the Graph and Details page.

Unpublishing | In the details page of a published object, the button “unpublish” will instantly withdraw the published version and put the object back in draft status.

Option to Delete Default System Attributes | Users can now decide to delete three of EPC’s default attributes.

Option to de-activate mass actions | Admins can now choose to disable the Mass Approval, Endorsement and Confirmation.

Revert from any draft (in progress) versions | It is now possible to browse and revert draft versions.

Process maps enhancements | Swimlanes Header Resizing, Right to Left Language Compatibility Extended to Set Level Maps, Ability to Position Assets & Artifacts Independent of RASCI-VS in Swimlanes Map, Font Changes in Swimlanes and Matrix Maps, Automatically Save Auto Reroute Button Value and Auto Reroute Feature Optimization.

UI enhancements | List Page Redirection When Clicking on Set/Folder in List Page, Right Click Actions – Security, Object Details Expand (+) Added to All Modules, Clearer Error Messages on Save, Process Book Generation in Impact and Hierarchy Graph Page and Only Custom Attributes Fields That Contain Data Are Shown.

CKEditor security update | CKEditor has been updated to the latest version.

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