
1. Fixed an issue where users would select “Create and Reuse” in Parser and the selected Process and Asset or Rule already existed in EPC, an error message appeared when users would click on the Export button.

2. Fixed an issue where users would receive an error notification when they would select “Create and Reuse” in Parser and tag a task and any association that already existed in EPC.

3. Fixed an issue where tagged roles in Parser did not get exported to EPC when they were associated to start or end events.

4. Fixed an issue where tagged objectives, KPI, KRI and KCI in Parser did not contain their performance data when exported to EPC only when they were associated to a task flow object.

5. Fixed an issue for a specific case where users would receive an error notification when exporting to EPC for a second time with the “Create and Reuse” setting.

E-signature Document

Fixed an issue where track changes would be shown in the E-signature document after the approval of a document.

Discard Changes Button

Fixed an issue where after opening the “Edit Process Details” form from the graph, then clicking on the back button of the browser, then clicking on the “Leave” button of the first popup and finally clicking on the “Discard my changes” button of the second popup, the remaining popup and form would not close automatically.

EPC Document Share Link

Fixed an issue where the EPC document share links the documents names weren’t properly encoded in the URL copied to the clipboard.

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