The following major new enhancements and capabilities have been introduced in the 12.3.2 release.

Additional Business Objects Associations | The modular structure of EPC allows business analysts to associate objects from various modules between each other hence defining the relationships of how each object is used within the organisation’s operations. The following are the new association capabilities that were added to EPC 12.3

Swimlane Supports Copy/Paste Across Process Maps | The existing copy paste functionality now allows process modellers to copy from maps designed in swimlane and paste in other process maps in swimlane; or copy from maps designed in flatmap and paste in other process maps designed in swimlane.

Print Page Break by User Preference | While editing a process, EPC now saves the user preference on whether to keep the canvas grid on or off.

Action Widgets to To Do Module | When clicked, Action widgets added to the home page tabs will now redirect users to the “to-do module” in order to have a quicker access to their pending actions

Configure Reminder Interval | Reminders alert users for any upcoming action items such as approvals, confirmation, etc.
EPC now provides user with a functionality to pre-set a time interval between notifications.

Toggle Option to Publish After Importing | When files are being imported into EPC, we now provides the user with options to publish all their objects at once or to import them into a draft state

Process Book Automatic Width Adjustment | EPC sets the images width to width of writable rectangle if no constant width value wasn’t directly implied in the template

Object Copy Retains Endorsement, Approval, Change Request & Implementer Attributes | The copy/paste, reference or localize functionalities now allows any object (and its children) to include the approval and endorsement cycle definitions cycles or improvement request attributes to be part of the business object creation.

Move Objects in the Glossary Module The user was not able to move the object feature within the glossary module to the right folder. Now the object can be moved to their respective folders.

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