
Endorsement cycles often involve multiple individuals before changes can be sent for approval or publication. This is often the case as business activities that are analyzed from different vantage points and subject to change may require multiple edits before producing a final result. Serving as an additional method for review, the endorsement cycle generally precedes an approval cycle; endorsers collaborate on a business activity to generate an error-proof version of an activity. Additionally, as the endorsement cycle progresses, a user with the appropriate level of security may stop the cycle at any point in time (e.g., after any given iteration).


Users will navigate to the details section of the object to select a list of endorsers responsible for the endorsement of the changes made on the object and initiate an endorsement cycle by clicking on the “Send for Endorsement” button. Once that is done, the users assigned as an endorser will receive a notification within the EPC Web APP and through email. Until the endorsement is either completed by all endorser, stopped or canceled by the author, the object in question will be in “Pending”. For further detail regarding a change in the object, the user will select the Show Change button. Additionally, the delegate feature in Endorsement allows the user to reassign their task for the current cycle. After analyzing the proposed changes, the user can either endorse or reject the proposed improvement. Once all endorser has acted upon the request, the object will move to the next phase of endorsement cycle.


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