The most essential part of patient prep for the spineROM is making sure that the straps are applied correctly:

  • The patient should be seated as the straps are applied.
  • Multiple or singular regions of the spine can be examined in an examination session. All straps can be applied at all spinal levels before the exam begins.
  • For Cervical Examinations
    • The shorter “head” strap should be gently positioned around the patient’s forehead, above the ears and affixed using the velcro attachments.
    • The Satellite MUST be positioned on the patient’s RIGHT temple region with the cable on the BOTTOM of the instrument.
    • A second strap is positioned so that the plastic plate rests on the T1-T2 spinal levels and then, with the patient’s arms outstretched, the straps go under the arms and snugly attach to one another using the velcro attachments at approximately the T6 level. The Base unit is then affixed to the plastic plate using the velcro attachments in a LEVEL position.
    • The examination of the cervical spine can be done seated, standing and in special situations, supine (to collect C-rotation).
  • For Thoracic Examinations
    • An initial strap is applied at the T1-2 level (see above). A second strap is snugly affixed around the body, with the plastic plate at the T12-L1 level.
    • The Base is affixed to the velcro, parallel to the ground, at the T12-L1 level while the Satellite is positioned, parallel to the ground, at the T1-2 level on the plastic plate/velcro.
  • For Lumbar Examinations:
    • An initial strap is positioned at the T12-L1 level (see above) while a second strap circles the waist to allow the plastic plate/velcro to be positioned at S1.
    • The Base is affixed to the velcro, parallel to the ground, at the S1 level while the Satellite is positioned, parallel to the ground, at the T12-L1 level on the plastic plate/velcro.
  • The straps are removed at the end of the entire examination.
  • Allow the patient to acclimate before the exam for at least 2-3 minutes. Be sure to expose the entire area that you plan to scan.
  • Ensure that:
    • The patient did NOT exercise within 45 minutes of scan.
    • The patient is seated upright on a stool facing away from examiner.
    • The patient does NOT move and has good posture during exam.
  • Be familiar with spinal landmarks: S1, L1, T1, C2, C1L and R (fossa).

Patient checklists are available through INSiGHT Media and are recommended! Click here for more information.