The spineROM can be used in practically any setting, but you should still make sure that the following conditions are met to the best of your ability:

  • The spineROM is a dual inclinometer and operates using a compass that identifies magnetic north. In certain offices, electrical fields or large metal objects (like X-Ray machines) can distort the signal and make the cervical rotation test difficult to obtain. In these situations, it is better to perform the scan with the patient supine.
  • Your laptop or iPad screen should be set-up to face the examiner while scanning.
  • Scan can be done seated (preferably) on a scan stool, standing, or lying prone. Enough space must be available for the examiner and the patient to be in a position to do a full forward flexion or extension of the lumbar spine while standing.
  • The INSiGHT Bridge is located within 15-30’ of the instrument.
  • The spineROM should be well charged, turned on, with the Satellite connected to the Base using the specific inclinometer cable.
  • Lights indicate the current state of the spineROM.
    • A slow flashing lighted base indicates the unit is on and ready to be connected.
    • A rapidly flashing Base and Satellite indicate the instruments are in the collection mode.
  • A feature of the spineROM is its unique strapping system that allows hands-free examination. The Velcro straps should be readily available and wiped clean using an alcohol wipe, wherever skin or hair contact may have occurred.