The Manage Practice section in Settings allows you to:

  • Add/Edit your practice logo (visible on
  • Add/Edit your photo
  • Update your practice name (visible on
  • Specify your practice techniques (visible on
  • Manage practice locations (visible on
  • Choose your system of measurement
    • Follow the prompt to choose either Imperial or Metric system of measurement
  • Choose to enable or disable your thermal shift
    • We recommend using “disabled” when not relying on pattern analysis
    • When “disabled”, the asymmetries are shown exactly as they are collected which can detract from pattern analysis
    • When “enabled”, Synapse automatically corrects for any left or right bias in a scan
    • This allows the viewer to look at patterns along the centerline.
  • Choose your Scan Background Image
    • Choose a Blue or Muscle background for the scan images
    • We recommend muscle if you are primarily using the neuroCORE.
  • Choose your desired report language
    • Choose from English, French and German reporting.

As a Synapse subscriber, you have an enhanced listing in the referral directory. You can choose to include your techniques and your practice details. This information is automatically populated in the directory from your practice information.