The five different types of scans in myINSiGHT™ all share common elements to make the scan process consistent and easy. To begin scanning, from the Task Pad, click on any of the scan icons (Rolling Thermal, Segmental Thermal, PWP, Static EMG or ROM).
A scan form like the one below will appear (Rolling Thermal used as example):
Click the Start Scan button to begin taking readings.
The right menu bar:
• Start Scan allows you to begin collecting scan data.
• Exit will close the scan form and take you to the task pad.
• Scan Icons indicate the other available technology and allows you to switch to a different scan type without having to go back to the task pad.
After you start the scan, the menu changes to:
• Cancel Scan allows you to cancel a scan without saving.
• Save Scan allows you to save the scan to the cloud database.
• The Scan Icons allow you to move on to the next scans after you are finished.