neuroLINK is a graphical tool that allows you to show your patients the relationship between the areas affected on their spine and their organ systems. For any visit containing Thermal or Static EMG scans, click on the neuroLINK button to access the tool:
You can click on NL for any visit that has a Rolling Thermal Scan, Segmental Thermal Scan, or EMG Scan
At the top of this page, you see the patient demographics as well as a pull-down selection box. You can switch to any other Thermal or Static EMG for this patient, for any visit, by selecting the scan from this box.
Below the header information you see two graphical images. On the left is a scan view. This is either an NCM Bar Graph for Thermal scans, or a Static EMG Amplitude (bar) graph for static EMG scans. You can click on any of the bars on the graph OR on the spine label itself (C1, C2, etc…). When you select a location in this way, the graph on the right will highlight which organ systems are affected by the location shown here.
Hovering over or clicking a specific organ will display information about that organ system, as shown here.
You can then click on any of the items in the list to see a list of abstracts that pertain to that item.