The Manage Visits Tool in the Office Portal allows doctors to move and delete visits and scans and change which scans are used for CORESCORE™ Report calculation:
Click on the name of a patient you want to manage visits and scans for.
Click on the truck icon on the visit card in the top right area of the card.
This page, shown here, shows a Tree View of your selected patient with all the patient’s Visits and Scans arranged in the tree, exactly like the Report Builder.
From this page, you can perform the following actions:
Delete a Patient – Select the patient and click Delete. Click OK when you see the confirmation dialog. This deletes the patient, along with all scans and visits. The orange X does NOT delete the patient, only removes this patient from the page.
NOTE: Deleting patients cannot be undone.
Delete a Visit – Select the Visit you want to delete and click Delete. Click OK when you see the confirmation dialog. This deletes the visit and all scans. NOTE: This cannot be undone.
Delete a Scan – Select the scan you want to delete and click Delete. Click OK when you see the confirmation dialog. This deletes the scan and if necessary clears the score from the Visit. NOTE: This cannot be undone.
Mark a Scan for the CORESCORE – Select the Scan to mark and click Mark CS. This will set the CORESCORE™ flag for that scan, and deselect any other scans of that type for that visit. It will also update the score in the Visit Table.
Move a Scan to Another Visit (Same Patient) – Click on the scan you want to move and drag it on top of the visit you want to move it to, or any scan in that Visit. Release the mouse button. The scan will be moved to the other Visit.
NOTE: The CORESCORE™ flag is cleared from the scan. If you want to use this scan in the CORESCORE™ in the new visit you can mark it. If the visit you moved the scan from has no remaining scans, it will be deleted.
Remove a Scan from the Visit – On some occasions, it might be necessary to remove a scan from a visit. To remove the scan, click on the scan then click New Visit. This will create a new Visit with the same Visit Date as the scan and move the scan into it.
NOTE: You can only do this if: The scan has a DIFFERENT date from the other scans in the visit and There is not already a visit on that date (in that case just move the scan to the existing visit).