In addition to minor wording updates and clarification, the changes between the exposure draft and version 1.0 of the Assessment Handbook include the key modifications summarized in the table below.

Chapter Modification
1. Introduction Added reference to HITRUST Glossary of Terms and Acronyms.
3.1 Assessed Entity Updated to include the Assessed Entity responsibilities outlined in the Management Representation Letter.
3.2 Assessors Updated with previously documented and communicated readiness assessment, readiness license and internal assessor requirements.
3.3 Independence Requirements Clarified types of remediation activities that are not authorized for External Assessors.
6. Pre-Assessment Added Chapter numbers for each pre-assessment webform.
6.5 Scope of the Assessment Included the requirements for description of a platform.
6.7 Factors Included the requirement for a rationale when a factor question is answered “No”.
7.1 Assessment Scoping Included visual timeline for system implementation requirement;
Added criteria 7.1.4 to clarify HITRUST rationale for reporting facility(s).
7.2 Required Scope Components Clarified the potential for other component types to be included as a primary scope components;
Clarified definition of primary and secondary scope components;
7.2.4 – Added example, Added NOTE clarifying that components may exist as both a primary and secondary scope component;
7.2.7 – Clarified that additional facility(s) not hosting the in-scope platform that are included in scope must present a risk to the in-scope platform;
Added new criteria 7.2.12 for clarification on how to determine scope when requirement statement language may conflict with Assessment Handbook guidance;
7.2.14 – Added testing expectations and definitions for bastion host, jump server and VDI;
7.2.15 – Clarified that laptops are not classified as portable media;
Other Scoping Topics – Added criteria 7.2.23 – 7.2.25 to provide guidance and expectations on sampling of scope components.
7.3 Carve-outs Clarified definition of carve-out.
8.1 Requirement Statement Background Included additional information on Illustrative Procedures (previously documented in HITRUST whitepapers) including criteria 8.1.1 for an External Assessor to use the Illustrative Procedures to support its testing approach.
8.2 Alternate Controls Added chapter 8.2 on the HITRUST Alternate Control process and requirements.
9.5 Managed Maturity Level Added criteria 9.5.2 to explain an undocumented risk treatment process.
10.1 HITRUST Scoring Added criteria 10.1.1 – 10.1.3 to explain HITRUST expectations for weighting of scope components.
11.2 Testing Requirements 11.2.8 – Clarified 90 day control operation requirement;
11.2.9 – Added visual timeline of a newly implemented control.
11.3 Working Papers & Evidence Temporary removal of criteria related to completeness and accuracy (for further refinement);
11.3.8 – Clarified date requirements for evidence supporting observations and inspections;
11.3.9 – Clarified requirements for policy and procedure documents;
11.3.11 – Clarified expectations for appropriate evidence linking;
Temporary removal of criteria requiring evidence documenting the source of each population.
11.4 Population & Sampling Temporary removal of criteria requiring evidence documenting the source of each population;
Temporary removal of criteria related to completeness and accuracy of the population (for further refinement);
11.4.9 – Added time limit of 30 days to population generation prior to fieldwork;
Removed HITRUST criteria to re-validate population size within fieldwork period (if generated prior to fieldwork);
Added criteria 11.4.11 to re-select sample items that are selected and not able to be tested;
Added criteria 11.4.16 to clarify that evidence must be uploaded for all sample selections.
11.5 Documenting Exceptions Added criteria 11.5.1 and 11.5.3 to clarify HITRUST expectations when an exception has been identified during testing.
12.1 Third-Party Coverage Added criteria 12.1.4 to clarify HITRUST expectations for Assessed Entities as it relates to third-parties.
12.2 Reliance on Assessment Results Using Inheritance Re-organized and re-worded Chapter 12.2 for easier interpretation of HITRUST expectations.
13.2 Audits and Assessments Utilized Added criteria 13.2.3 to clarify what should and should not be included.
13.8 Management Representation Letter Added criteria 13.8.4 to include the Rep Letter date requirements.
14.3 Live QA Added criteria 14.3.3 to clarify what information may and may not be withheld from MyCSF for LiveQA;
Added criteria 14.3.7 to communicate HITRUST expectations for the External Assessor during LiveQA.
14.4 Escalated QA Added criteria 14.4.13 to clarify the purpose of an appeal.
15.3 Security Events & Fraud Added criteria 15.3.10 to clarify how an External Assessor should answer the interim assessment question related to security breaches.
15.4 Interim Assessment Added criteria 15.4.5 and 15.4.6 to clarify the impact of lowering scores in an interim assessment;
Added criteria 15.4.19 and 15.4.20 to clarify testing approach for remediated CAPs;
15.4.21 – Added items that HITRUST takes into consideration to determine sufficient progress.
15.5 Rapid Recertification Added diagram to provide visual workflow of the control degradation detection process.
15.9 HITRUST Treatment of Non-compliance Added Chapter 15.9 to describe potential outcomes when criteria in the Assessment Handbook are not met.
Appendix A-4: Never N/A Examples Updated table to include additional examples.
Appendix A-7: Rubric Scoring – Measured and Managed Updated with additional FAQs.
Appendix A-10: Policy & Procedure FAQs & Examples Updated with additional FAQs.
Appendix A-12: Inheritance FAQs & Examples Updated with additional FAQs.
Appendix A-15: Certification Threshold Scoring Examples New Appendix to provide various certification scoring scenarios.