The Good Hotel Task Scheduler
Important notes.
1. To run application as “FOREGROUND” process.
General > Run only when user is logged in.
It makes sense that a foreground process will interact with the current user by displaying information and forms etc on the screen.
2. To Run application as “BACKGROUND” process General > Run whether user is logged in or not. This means the “computer” is the user, so no foreground interaction will occur to keep the environments separate. Note that there is no indication that the program is running in the user interface. Task Scheduler shows the status as “Ready” or “Running”. Note the application could be running as a background process and be “hung up” Code is needed to monitor and resolve any potential hang ups. ( ie: see sync folder and logs )
3. Error trying to save changes to a scheduled task. “ An error has occurred for task DataWise Sync. Error message: One or more of the specified arguments are not valid.” Cause is probably because the user is part of a Domain and needs to be refreshed. General > Security options > [Change user or group ] reselect the current logged in user of the current session.
[ File ] [ Action ] [ View ] [ Help ]
. Task Scheduler (Local) .
. > Task Scheduler Library.
. > > DataWise.
. > > > Running At 5:00 AM every day 29/04/2023 5:00:00 AM 28/04/2023 5:00:00 AM (0×41301).
[ General ] [ Triggers ] [ Actions ] [ Conditions ] [ Settings ] [ History ]
Page 1 – General.
. > Name: = The Good n-Sched
. > Location: = \DataWise
. > Author: = TheGoodHotel\Bob
. > Description: = “”
. > Security options
. > > When running the task, use the following user account: = Administrator
. > > Run only when user is logged on = off
. > > Run whether user is logged on or not = on
. > > Do not store password. The task will only have access to local resources = unchecked
. > > Run with highest privileges = checked
. > > Hidden = unchecked
. > > Configure for: = “Windows Server 2019”
Page 2 – Triggers.
When you create a task, you can specify the conditions that will trigger the task. To change these triggers, open the task property pages using the Properties command.. > Trigger = Daily.
. > Details = At 5:00 AM every day.
. > Status = Enabled.
Page 3 – Actions.
. When you create a task, you must specify the action that will occur when your task starts. To change these actions, open the task property pages using the Properties command.
. > Action = Start a program.
. > Details = “D:\DataWise ProActive\The Good nTaskSched.exe”.
. > Start in must be set as files are written to in the startup folder
. NB: Details file must have inverted commas. Default when selected with finder…
Page 4 – Conditions.
. Specify the conditions that, along with the trigger, determine whether the task should run. The task will not run if any condition specified here is not true. To change these conditions, open the task property pages using the Properties command.
. > Idle.
. > > Start the task only if the computer is idle for = 10 minutes.
. > > > Wait for idle for = 1 hour.
. > > Stop if the computer ceases to be idle = Checked.
. > > Restart if the idle state resumes = UnChecked.
. > Power.
. > > Start the task only if the computer is on AC power = Checked.
. > > > Stop if the computer switches to battery power = Checked.
. > > Wake the computer to run this task = UnChecked.
. > Network.
. > > Start only if the following network connection is available: = UnChecked.
. > > > Any connection = Nothing selected form options available.
Page 5 – Settings.
. Specify additional settings that affect the behavior of the task. To change these settings, open the task property pages using the Properties command.
. > Allow task to be run on demand = Checked.
. > Run task as soon as possible after a scheduled start is missed.
. > If the task fails, restart every: 1 minute.
. > Attempt to restart up to:
. > Stop the task if it runs longer than: = Checked and set to required hours 4 hours.
. > If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop = Checked.
. > If the task is not scheduled to run again, delete it after:: = UnChecked = 30 days.
. > If the task is already running, then the following rule applies:
. > > Stop the existing instance.
Page 6 – History.
. > Specify additional settings that affect the behavior of the task. To change these settings, open the task property pages us… = Nothing specified here.
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