Parents are not required to escort their child/children into the building unless they’re tardy. Once students enter, CHCA staff will help get them where they need to be.
Your child’s safety is our priority. These procedures prioritize child safety over driver convenience.

All Times:

  • Please give full attention to the students and adults at carpool and do not use your cell phone during this time.
  • All drivers should obey the traffic flow patterns, stay out of the bus lanes, and give the bus drivers a wide berth to make turns.
  • Pull all the way to the end of the circle to give adequate space for all cars entering the circle.
  • For the safety of all, drive no faster than 10 mph.
  • If you need to leave your car for any reason, you must exit the car pool line and park only in a marked parking space. There are no exceptions.

AM Drop-Off:

  • Do prepare your child to exit the car before you enter the carpool circle – have backpack and other essentials ready and say your goodbyes – this ensures your child has a safe and speedy exit from the car onto the sidewalk.
  • Never have your child exit the driver side.
  • Never exit your car to open the door for your child – we have CHCA staff at the carpool circle who can open your car door.

PM Pick-Up:

  • The parent/authorized person picking up a child must be 18 years or older.
  • Please have your carpool card displayed on the passenger side window for the staff to see.
  • If you park your car at the MCC upper lot, the only place for you to wait is the grassy area of our Front Circle. There is no outside place with an overhead covering or place inside the building for non-Preschool parents to wait, even in rainy or cold weather.
  • If you are leaving through the MCC parking lot, go slowly and use the exit into the shopping center to Montgomery Road. CHCA parents and staff are never permitted to exit going through the back of the MCC building parking lot.
  • Dismissal time for all KPrep–Gr 3 students is 3:15 p.m. Students must be picked up by 3:40p.m.; otherwise, they will be taken to Eagle’s Landing and parents will be charged a fee.
Last modified: 3 July 2024


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